Michael Bonner

Check out the new Git Branch Name Raycast Extension I made

What is Raycast?

Raycast is a super fast, totally extendable launcher. It lets you complete tasks, calculate, share common links, manage your clipboard history, and much more. If you don't have it installed, I recommend you go give it a try.

What is the Git Branch Name Raycast Extension?

The Git Branch Name Raycast Extension is a simple extension that allows you to generate a branch name based on the type of branch you are working on and a string. I usually copy the name of the to-do and paste that in. It also allows you to copy the branch name to your clipboard.

Raycast Extension Install Button

Choosing a branch type
Choose your branch type
Add you branch name
Enter your branch name
Results get copied to your clipboard
Results get copied to your clipboard

Raycast Extension Install Button
